Episode 3: Persistence is Key.
23rd July 2019Welcome to episode three…in last weeks episode, we saw Frodo having his first consultation at Amity Veterinary Care, and Sheila realising the advantage of getting Frodo comfortable with examinations at home.
Over the next few months, Sheila and Frodo’s relationship became very strained. Shelia was trying her best with training but was becoming de motivated, and Frodo didn’t understand why she got so stressed all the time. On her fortnightly visit to Amity Vets to measure Frodo’s weight, she decided to ask the Amity Assistant for some advice. As Frodo was used to coming in and jumping on the scales he did not mind waiting a little longer for his trip to Bakers Park.
Sheila came away from Amity armed with new knowledge. She felt refreshed and ready to approach training in a different way. She was patient, consistent with her commands and kept them to one syllable. It took a while, but she learnt to not get frustrated when things did not go right and to stop and try again on another day. Each walk consisted of a little training and a lot of time for Frodo to play and uses his senses to sniff and search. Although the training took time, Frodo appreciated that Shelia understood his need to do dog things as well as training. This developed his trust in Sheila and grew their bond closer.
Top tip from the story: Patience with training is vital. Train in small doses and remember to let your dog have fun too!
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