Passionate about your pet and mad about you


Amity Veterinary Care is proud to be able to provide exotic veterinary services in Newton Abbot.

I have been interested in exotics since I was young and now get to work with them in a professional capacity! Where other vets may not wish to work with these amazing creatures, I have embraced them and their diversity. As a result, there are not many small/exotic/furry/scaly/feathered creatures great and small that I have not worked with. Ranging from the more ordinary guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, hamsters, mice and rats; to the more unusual parrots and chickens; and on to the far more unusual snakes, lizards, tortoises and salamanders. They are all family!

In addition, I spent 18 months as a volunteer veterinary surgeon at Paignton Zoo. An incredible experience which meant I could indulge my passion to the extreme: sedating bongos, medicating 10-foot-long pythons, and anaesthetising 300kg gorillas – all in a day’s work!

Now I can bring this expertise to you and your pets. Amity Vets can provide medical and surgical treatment, health checks, dietary advice, husbandry advice, medical diagnostics (including x-rays and ultrasounds), and bloodurin/e tests.

We can advise on neutering and seasonal checks for rabbits and guinea pigs. Also, we provide pre- and post-hibernation checks for tortoises.

Dr Lennon Foo BVetMed GPCert(SAM) MRCVS

Consultation Fees

Exotic 1st Consultation £120
Exotic Subsequent Consultation £110

Essential Exotic Membership

  • Unlimited consultations including re-examination fees (*Does not include pre-existing or chronic conditions)
  • Myxo/VHD1/VHD2 vaccinations for Rabbits (value £150)
  • Discounted services e.g. neuters for small mammals (value £50-£75)
  • Complimentary microchips (value £30)
  • Complimentary claw clipping (value £30-£100)
  • Insurance excess covered up to £50 (value up to £50 per claim)

Total value about £300-£400* Customised memberships available to include chronic conditions.  Please contact the practice for more information.

Cost per month

Type of pet Essential
Rabbit £25
Reptile £20
Small Furry £20
Bird £20

Book an appointment and JOIN OUR FAMILY NOW!

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What others say

"I felt heard..." - Rosey O

"Caring, Professional, and Loving"

Anna-Marie describes how her veterinary experience has changed since joining the Amity Family.



Regenerative Medicine

General Procedures

Keyhole Surgery




Cat Friendly

Dog Friendly


Passionate about your pet and mad about you